Technical Difficulties Remedied

YAY! Up & running!!

I stayed up till 11:30 Tuesday night trying to fix this bad boy. Ok, so 11:30 might not seem like very late to some people, but when the alarm is set to go off at 4am, 11:30 is LATE! I suffered from that lack of sleep yesterday at work, and I had a really hard time driving home from work trying to keep my eyes open. The fact that traffic was stop & go north of the merge and it took me twice as long to get home didn’t help. But when I got home from work yesterday I was able to get both the iPad and iPhone Apps to work. All right. Too much information, I know. But I feel better getting that off my chest.

Jen sent me the above “Mommy & Maya” selfie yesterday. Sleeping Beauty!! It’s a big deal when Maya sleeps.

On another note. I don’t remember if I provided this information in a prior post, but for those of you interested in keeping up with how Evan’s doing, here’s the link to his blog:

Evan doesn’t post daily, and not even weekly for that matter. But he does post when there’s something significant to share. He’s still coming into the office almost daily and working most-time (something in between full-time and part-time). Although he’s lost a considerable amount of weight, he looks pretty good, and his spirits seem to be pretty good, and he hasn’t lost his great sense of humor, quick retorts and zeal for enjoying those things he enjoys – his family, especially his grandson, reading, walking, dining out, and the arts.

Today, Nati’s with Bill! Let me know if we should count you in.

Oh, and when I was trying to figure out the WordPress glitch, I found & loaded a new feature that allows you to subscribe to my blog. If you subscribe, you’ll get an email notifying you every time I post something new… if you so care. See top right hand corner of the blog page. If you’re reading this from your mobile device, the email subscription option may be at the bottom of the page – scroll all the way to the bottom.

Blogged on Amma’s iPad (YAY!!) with LOVE!