One on One – The Zoo!

I took Maya to the Zoo yesterday afternoon. We saw the giraffes, rhinosaurus, zebras, flamingoes, koala bears, wallabies, camels & elephants, and she got to play at one of the playgrounds.

Here, this camel was laying right by the fence scratching its head and neck on the rock, so we got a really up-close view of it. It was pretty cool.

Maya, enjoying her cracker while watching the other camel …


Having a picture taken with the gorilla is a must!



I tried to get Maya to stick her finger in the gorilla’s nose, but she refused. Go figure …

btw, I now have a “Zoo” category for my blog posts, which means there are lots more visits in the future, and I can’t wait until Alo’s a little older to take there!

Blogged on my iPad with LOVE!