Oakland Zoo & Popcorn

Above – It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s a … tortoise??

Robb sent these photos last week after they took a trip to the Oakland Zoo. Check out who’s in the gondola behind Robb & Alo’s. 

… and Sandra, Lilli and Mike were in the one in front.

Here’s Mike, Alo, Lilli and Sandra.

I love the looks on these faces …

We Skyped with the family Sunday night. Amazingly, Alo at only 2½ was able to rattle off the names of all but 4 US American Presidents! Akuch started working with a deck of cards, each one showing a picture of a US President with his name. She said at the end of the first day, he had already memorized 20 of them!! While Skyping, Robb held up a card with a photo and Alo said the first, middle and last name of all but about 4 of them. How smart is that??

A YouTube interview with Maya yesterday – “Kids Say the Darnedest Things …”

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone/iMac with LOVE!