Nate's Butt Farm

Above – the OBYoga Water Bottle found its way to Copenhagen! Yes, it’s true. My good friend, former boss, current estate plan attorney and Billi Trust advisor Ralph Hughes sent me this photo.

Or is it Bate’s Nut Farm? I just can’t seem to remember …

Ron & Jen took the kids yesterday …

Pony rides!

Stunt rider … 

The slide!


Also yesterday, Kando makes friends at OctoberFest – courtesy of Akuch.


When we were at the pumpkin patch in Martinez last month, Alo and I took the slide. Here are two videos Bruce took of the same ride. The first one we’re climbing the stairs (you can hear Alo giggling along the way) & the second we slide down for the first time. I was a little worried about my back coming down but it was really a gentle drop.

Me – I slept last night! Finally! I made it into the doctor again Friday and found my “peak flow” was down to 210. Peak flow is the velocity of air on a hard exhalation. 210 is in my dangerous zone (acute asthma) so I guess it’s a good thing I was at the doctor. The acute asthma combined with an upper respiratory infection makes it really difficult to breath and to clear out any congestion in the chest. The doctor said he’s seeing a lot of asthmatics due to what he believes El Nino. Anyway, he prescribed prednisone (a steroid) in a heavy dose, tapering down over ten days. After two days of taking the heavy dose of prednisone, I finally got a good night’s sleep. Finally beginning to feel better, and it’s about time!

Go Chargers!

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