More photos from a rickshaw ride

Two down. Three to go. Weeks, that is.

When we first arrived, it rained fairly consistently. The past 5 days have been very pleasant. The temperature is moderate, probably in the low 70s, and we’ve had a tiny bit of very light rain daily. It’s humid here, but bearable, at least for me.

I look forward to listening to the birds at dawn and dusk every day. It’s a great time to sit by the window and watch and listen. There are all kinds of species at the park … parrots, birds of prey, vultures, crows, pigeons, bats. The bats here are the size of a crow!

Here are more photos from our Sunday rickshaw excursion:





20130810-071634.jpgKids playing soccer in the street.

20130810-071752.jpgLadies Beauty Parlor


20130810-071943.jpgPeople in the rickshaw next to us were happy to smile for the picture.

20130810-072030.jpgCows (& a trash heap).

20130810-072116.jpgMore cows. This bridge has a lot of make-shift homes along it.


Today is 9:30am Women’s Class with Geetaji, and 4pm open practice.