Maya & Alo

Here are some pictures of Maya that Jen texted me, both with Maya sound asleep. Jen looks pretty tired in the first picture after battling with Maya to get her to sleep.

Ron’s probably not going to be very happy I’m posting the next picture, but I’ll take that risk because it’s very precious.

On Sunday, Robb, Akuch and Alo came by and watched the second half of the SF v. Seattle game and had pizza with us. Alo slept most of the time, but I got my hands on him after he woke up.


One last picture. Last Thursday I was so surprised when I received a package from Toni, Morgan’s mom. It was a really cute Lululemon yoga outfit (that fits me) and a nice card. It was such a surprise! I’ve never had anything Lululemon before. In fact, I didn’t even know what the logo looks like until now. Here’s my attempt at a self portrait to show the outfit. One leg has a blue racing stripe down the side (which you can’t see in the picture), and the other leg has a yellow stripe around the bottom of the leg.

Don’t worry, I took the tags off before heading out to La Mesa to teach.

Blogged on my iPad with LOVE!