This morning, I observed the final children’s class of my Pune visit. I have enjoyed so much watching these kids stay with the energy level for a full hour of jumping in and out of poses, the names of which are spoken only in Sanskrit. There were at least 75 children in class, and while most of the children stayed on task, there were those with minds going in all directions – Citta Vrtti (fluctuations of the consciousness) in Sanskrit. It brings back memories of kids’ pee wee soccer when the goal keeper has his arms entwined through the net as the ball comes flying past him.
As RIMYI is closed on Sundays (with the exception of the 8am children’s class) the rest of the day is a free day for me. Sharon and I are going shopping, and I swear this is my last shopping trip! I had to buy another piece of carry-on luggage yesterday to transport all my “stuff” back home. Part of the bulk is the four blankets and bolster I bought so I could do some restorative in my room while I’m here, and then there’s the Patanjali for my yoga studio, and clothes and other “stuff.”
Here are some photos I took on our walk back to the rickshaw. Remember the kids on the bikes? Well here they are again with their friends…
How many people can you fit into a VW Bug? How many people can you fit into a telephone booth (what’s that?)? How many people can you fit into a rickshaw??? It’s hard to see in this picture, but this rickshaw was packed with people.
Interesting-looking water tower.
I got pretty close to this bull.
But then when it started moving toward me, I went across the street. It did too …
Another shrine. They really are all over the place here. This one is just on the side of the road.
Back in front of the temple, this man is putting some sort of marking on the foreheads of these boys…
Below, that’s Nana in the middle (looking back), and Sharon on the left.
There are lots of food vendors. This guy is selling what looks to be a deep fried grilled cheese sandwich and some other deep fried food. I did not try this.
At the rickshaw, this guy was very curious. Where are you from? America?
Can my friend take a look at you too?
Ah heck… The more, the merrier! I kinda like the short bald guy with the partially zipped up jacket.
Making friends doesn’t end at the rickshaw. As we drove through Alandi, this group of men were also quite happy to see us.
… and these guys really wanted our attention.
This couple asked if I’d also take their photo. As I took the picture, the attractive man with the dyed red hair happened to steal the show.
I took a better photo for the couple, and notice the guys in the background are still waiving!
As we drove away, Nana said to me with a huge smile on his face, “Chere, you make many friends!”
Just before leaving Alandi, we stopped and shared a meal of Channa Masala, rice pilau and garlic naan. Num num.
Of course, we bought Nana’s meal, too. Slight obstacle… no utensils.
Whew, I’m tired reminiscing and posting all that. I better rest up for my shopping spree outing.
I’ll close giving recognition to the Camelbak All Clear Microbiological UV Water Purifier. This little device that charges by USB has been keeping me healthy by purifying and making my water safe to drink. This is hands down the best thing I brought with me to India.