It's a bird. It's Superman. It's …

… an airplane! I think this is one of Alo’s favorite past times, watching airplanes fly over. While sitting on the deck last Thursday, there were plenty of exciting things to look at – airplanes flying over, cars & trucks (of all colors) driving by, people walking dogs. Lots to see and talk about.

Then on Friday during our regular “Alo Time” we spent much of the time in Hogan’s yard. Alo walked up and down the walk holding onto the house and gate exploring, enjoying being independent in the yard, and making raspberry sounds with his mouth – I wish I could take credit for this new sound, but Robb, I did not teach him this.

He found the blue tag lock to the breaker box quite interesting and tried to figure out how that thing works using great dexterity with his fingers and hands …



And Alo’s newfound friend Hogan entertained himself by following Alo around. Alo isn’t the least bit afraid of Hogan.


Such a cutie!

Blogged on Amma’s iPad with LOVE!