Halloween Mohawk

Above – Surprise! Robb’s got another Mohawk! I’m guessing that also means soon we’ll see a buzz cut?

Below – scary dinosaur. Looks like Robb got bit by one.

Trick or treating – This was by far the best house. This house was so scary that Maya didn’t want to go up to the door. Here’re a couple photos of the creepy habitants.

No fear – Sparty didn’t have any problem going right up to the door and putting his hand out. At one of the doors we walked up to, he actually took candy out of his bucket and gave it to the people.

Crayons – What happens when you mix green with brown? A chocolate mess.

Oh look, there’s a big pink crayon with Elsa.


Crayon Head.

Mixup – Pink crayon with Elsa mask.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone/MacBook with LOVE!