Friday night with Alo

Alo spent a couple hours with us last night. He was a little grumpy and wasn’t up to having his picture taken. But that’s ok… Instead, he opted to fall asleep on my lap to The Lone Ranger. He told me that next year he plans on asking Santa for a big white horse and a black mask.

Luckily Robb sent me some pictures earlier in the day of a happier Alo. Here’s a picture of him at home enjoying his new bouncer. I know he likes to exercise his legs, so this will help to give him the strength in his legs to run up and down the basketball court for sure!

Pretty soon, the toys will be replaced with a basketball.

Alo seems overly excited when Robb & Akuch’s friend, Ryan paid a visit.

Here’s a cute picture of Akuch and Alo at Liberty Station outside Fig Tree Cafe. This looks like it could be a good place for a photo shoot.

On the northwest corner of Orchard and Guizot, there’s a cute house with native plants growing along the Guizot side. These pretty flowers caught my eye. To me, they look like fire.

20131228-084936.jpgThere are two different plants & two different colors of flowers.


Blogged on my iPad with LOVE!