Friday afternoon with the Little Man

It was a first for Alo – his mommy dropped him off around 1:30 and his daddy picked him up around 5:30 – four hours with Amma and Papa.

First on the agenda was a little nap.

The nap lasted about 45 minutes, and then it was time to coo in the Pack & Play until someone came to pick him up. Don’t mess with Alo… he’s in the Monkey League!

We changed him into his bengal jammies just before his daddy came to pick him up. Here he is with Papa with the holiday lights in the background.


Now, as far as the Parade … It’s supposed to rain, but rain or shine, nobody can stop us from having PIZZA! For you parade goers, be here at 4, rain or shine! If it’s not raining, it’s guaranteed to be COLD, so dress accordingly. If it’s raining, we stay inside, eat & enjoy each others’ company.

Blogged on my iPad with LOVE on a cold morning, watching the horizon with traces of incoming moisture!