Fair well

Ernie and other toys await their departure, and an empty high chair evidencing the loneliness and quiet house after Robb, Akuch & Alo left yesterday.

Robb texted us at 11pm last night that they made it to their new home safely.

Along the way, they stopped for lunch at Costco (must be a pregnant thing), Alo wearing his t-shirt representing the fact that he’s San Francisco bound.


Robb just sent these photos of Alo enjoying the beautiful park in their neighborhood.



We will miss them more than I can explain, but how fortunate we are to be living in this day & age where we can stay in touch so easily by email, texting, blogging and FaceTime and Skype. I can’t wait to FT Alo and show him what’s going on out his window!

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!!