Empty Nest – Full Nest

Our babies are gone – above is one of the babies after it left the nest last week.

We were so sad to see them go, we went to the pet store and bought a feeder, dove food and mealie worms hoping to keep them around. Plus I think Bruce thought the babies needed us to continue to support them. Isn’t that what parents do?

Now we have another hanging pot occupied by nesting mom and dad. This one we can see from the deck outside our bedroom. I’ll try to get a photo soon but don’t want to scare them at this early stage.

Yesterday I had NINE students in my yoga studio! Here they are doing inversions. The ones in the foreground are doing Halasana (plow pose), and the ones in the back are doing a variation of Salamba Sarvangasana (supported all limbs pose aka shoulder stand). One of my students is being scheduled for two shoulder replacements, so I’ve got her doing a variation with legs up the wall to keep the pressure off her shoulders.


Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!