Compassion in the eyes of the Guru

It’s Pranayama week in Pune, which means that (at least so far, but it’s only Tuesday) all the classes have a Pranayama theme. For those of you who don’t know, Prana in Sanskrit means cosmic energy / breath. According to Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, “Pranayama is the regulation of the incoming and outgoing flow of breath with retention.” (YS II.49)

To my surprise, the medical class was shortened a half hour to allow enough time for a half hour of Pranayama. This meant that I had to quickly work through my medical class sequence so I could squeeze all my poses in within the 75 minute timeframe given. Mission accomplished, and the short, but sweet, Pranayama was fabulous.

This morning I had another great 2 hour practice. I don’t ever plan on practicing for 2 hours. It’s just that once I get started, one pose leads to another and before I know it 2 hours have gone by. I just have to be careful to not work the shoulder too hard so I have enough shoulder stamina for the afternoon medical class.

At the Institute, it’s customary to “prostrate” before Guruji (kneeling and touching his feet). This morning was very special. I walked up to him, looked him straight in the eyes and said “Thank you so much.” He smiled and I kneeled down to touch his feet. Then I looked at him again and repeated my thanks. His smile was so big and his face was so compassionate it brought tears to my eyes.

Then, about 45 minutes later, I noticed Geetaji had entered the room and was sitting at the platform. I took my opportunity to also thank her in a similar manner, looking her in the eyes, and receiving a warm smile in return. I am so grateful for the opportunity I’ve had to study here, and for the direct medical class input for my shoulder surgery recovery, and am glad I was able to give thanks to both of them before I leave. I was also happy to see Geetaji in the asana room. She hasn’t taken part in any of the practices or classes the last two weeks because of a death in their family. Maybe this is a sign that she will oversee the last two women’s classes and Friday Pranayama class???

On one of our shopping trips… Look. Pune has Domino’s Pizza.

20130827-123241.jpgAnd Pizza Hut!

20130827-123454.jpgAs I’ve mentioned before, safety is always a priority in Pune.

20130827-123547.jpgHere’s Mohammad (from Cashmere) putting the hard-core sell on Sharon.

20130827-123749.jpgAnd this is a whole display of Ganeshas next door to the Cashmere shop.

20130827-123910.jpgWe drove through a very nice neighborhood.



20130827-124117.jpgAnd we saw cows. I love cow sightings!

20130827-124228.jpgAnd this scaffolding truck (see yesterday – the construction workers across the street taking the bamboo scaffolding down).

20130827-124342.jpgI think this house must leak …

20130827-124517.jpgWaiting at the bus stop.


20130827-124625.jpgAnd two women out for a scooter ride.


On the agenda for the rest of today is another rickshaw ride with Nana, then medical class followed by class observation.

Today’s final words… I think I may be addicted to ghee.

From Pune with Love!