Loving the park! Blogged on my iPad with LOVE!
This sign is posted next to the pool at the hotel where I’m staying. I was wondering … if I…
Maya has lunch at Nati’s. While Alo and Robb eat socks. Akuch took Alo to Robb’s work. Speaking of Robb,…
In case anyone is interested in knowing how Grandma’s doing on her trip, she’s commented on a couple of my…
Scary martian sighting above!!! Throwbacks from birthday past. Happy Birthday, Mom. We all love you & hope you’re being celebrated…
I suppose only a grandma can sit & video tape every move her grandkids make … Here’s another YouTube video…
Robb sent me these great pictures of Akuch & Alo with Sapna & Veena. Sapna is one of my (home)…
Sometimes I like to turn on the video & follow Maya around to see where it leads us. Friday after…
So I go out to the patio this morning & find that some critter, while crawling along our block wall,…
Morgan sent me these pictures from the Zoo this week. The twins were on a field trip and Morgan was…