Above, Alo eating a juicy nectarine. Bruce’s “procedure” went fine. He survived the ordeal and is now back to normal,…
This kid just keeps getting smarter every day. This morning he was playing with his car and I said “wheel.”…
The picture above is L-R, Ehrman (the Mighty Ruler), Gloria Goldberg (my teacher) and me. As I mentioned a couple…
I took these photos a couple days ago of Alo out on the porch of the patio. Showing off those…
We went to help Ron with the kids last night because Jen was out of town. Big help I was…
Although I haven’t actually talked to Robb since he made it safely to SF Sunday night around 9:30pm, he sent…
It started at noon when I went to watch Maya and Sparty for a couple hours. Sparty was awake most…
Above – I had a small class this morning (only 3 people), so I was able to turn the class…
It started when we picked Maya up for music class. Sparty was playing in his modern-day play-go-round (I wish these…
Alo inspected the rubber Ducky as he enjoys a bath at Amma & Pappa’s. Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!