Big Day!

At 4754 today, concrete gets poured, cabinet installation begins and the flooring repair in the loft begins!  After today, it will be all down hill.  I can’t wait to see how the driveway and walkways turn out.

Above, Alo begins gymnastics – a photo Akuch sent Tuesday.

I’m heading out now to take Bear for a walk, then gymnastics with Maya, lunch at Nati’s with Bill, teaching in La Mesa this afternoon, then back home to teach an evening class.  Thursday’s are by far my busiest day of the week.

Annie’s got her ups and downs.  Today’s not a good day.  She doesn’t have much of an appetite, and she’s lost quite a bit of weight.  We’re just taking it day by day, and keeping her comfortable and loved.  She still seems to have enough energy to follow me around the house & hang out at my feet while I sit in the office.  Here are the girls now:

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!