Above – Adorable Kando at 5 months (from Akuch’s FB post) There’s so much to say and photos to post…
Not much to say today except I finished this book yesterday. It’s was fairly short and very entertaining. I give…
Above – Looking out off Ladera Street yesterday. Surfers were enjoying small, slow swells in a perfectly calm ocean. Below…
Above – Brothers sharing a swing on the last day of 2015 (courtesy of Robb). Below – Breakfast at Rancho’s…
Above – (courtesy of Akuch) Kando and Alo watching Polar Express. You can tell already these two boys are their…
Robb sent me these photos yesterday. It’s amazing how Alo looks so calm. Way to go little buddy!…
Maya tells it the way it all came down … Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!
Above – Alo playing in snow in Lebec on the way back to Walnut Creek. I got a text from…
Wednesday night dinner with the little ones. This one loves food. Tattoos Smiley face. Blogged…
A Christmas feast video for you … Blogged on Amma’s iPhone with LOVE!