A Day at the Zoo – Part 1

Above – WATCH OUT!!! Geez, we turn our backs for 1 minute and the Sparts finds himself almost squished by an elephant!!

Monday was the perfect day for the Zoo. We got there a minute before it opened and Sparty lasted an hour and a half, which is pretty good considering, according to Jen, he’d already been up for an hour before we arrived at 5:50am. An hour and a half was just enough time to walk over to see the Muircats, Elephants, Camels, Jaguars and Lions.

There’s a lot of construction going on right now because of the off season. Pappa needs to know everything that’s going on.

That’s a big elephant AND some curly hair!

This jaguar cub sat calmly just 5 feet from us. Beautiful!

More photos for tomorrow.

Today – Music class with Sparty this morning and gymnastics this afternoon with Maya. I’m feeling tons better today but still not 100%.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone/iMac with LOVE!