I’ve posted tons of pictures from Parvati Hill, but what I failed to mention is that we can actually see Parvati Hill from our flat!How many temples can you find in the greenery?
Our journey to Alandi began yesterday morning after I observed the kids’ class. What’s Alandi? I thought you’d never ask.
Alandi is a pilgrimage village located on the banks of the Indrayani River, 25 km (16 mi) north of Pune. It is a Hindu holy place because, after translating the Bhagavad Gita into Marathi, St. Dnyaneshwar, also known as St. Jñanadeva (1275–1296), attained samādhi in front of Lord Shri Siddheshwar there. St. Dnyāneshwar, was a 13th-century Maharashtrian Hindu saint, poet, philosopher and yogi.
A temple complex built near the spot of Saint Dnyaneshwar’s samadhi is visited by thousands of pilgrims. On every Kartika Ekadashi (eleventh day of the Hindu month of Kartik), a big festival is held at Alandi, when a procession of pilgrims reaches the town and proceeds to Pandharpur, a distance of approx 150 km (93 mi).
The bumpy trip took us about 45 minutes in the rickshaw, so I had ample time to take pictures along the way.
The closest thing to a speed limit sign I’ve seen here is this:
There were many of these bus stops in the making. What someone failed to notice is that in order to catch a bus, pedestrians will need to cross the highway.Horn honking is very popular here. People honk for many reasons… to let someone know they’re merging, to let someone know they’re coming up along side them, to tell a pedestrian to get the hell outta the way, to tell a dog to get the hell outta the way, and for many other reasons or just for the sake of honking.
It is safe and ok to do this in India.
Look, a Chia Pet house. Aside from that, I still think it’s a pretty cool picture.
The countryside is very beautiful.
Structures along the way (and cows).
I’ll end this blog’s pictures leaving Pune. “Now entering Alandi” will be the theme of tomorrow’s blog.
The rickshaw ride and long day trip yesterday wore me out. I got back to the flat, downloaded my pictures to photo stream with comments (& looked at them over & over again…). I was so wasted that I passed out and slept for 10 1/2 hours!!!
I had a very short inversion practice this morning. This evening I have medical class, and I’ll stay and observe a beginners class after that.
From Pune with love,
Hi, it’s Bruce, I’m with your mom showing her how to post.
awwwwwww such a great photo of you, Chere, with Guruji ;D