Travel Loftis Style

And in the words (or should I say “texts”) of Jamie:

Idaho to SD:

“So we went to hike up timponogos cave and its a mile and a half steady incline for about an hour and get to the cave and find out u have to buy a ticket to go in! Talk about b in pissed so we put on a smile and took a picture n e way”


“the Unita mountains and we r just pullin out of salt lake! Definitely got our exercise b 4 the long drive there”



SD to Idaho:

A stop at Magic Mountain on the way home …

The Vipor!

June 8 – “This is where we r now ! Nowhere”


“Just left here at 106 degrees! poor macha!”

20130614-095816.jpg“Some water and mud hole! The water was like 95 but at least they got wet! That is the virgin river between Nevada and Utah – Or should I say the virgin creek”

“In the hottest place in the US u can get these.”

20130614-100035.jpg“It was 111 and of course we had to drive through in the heat of the day! This was in baker California and its only the beginning of June! It’s a blistering 67 here right now! So glad to be home! But of course I miss all of u so much”