Oktober Medley

Note to Robb & Akuch – Keep those photos coming!

Oktoberfest tractor.

Oktoberfest sausage …

Thursday – Two of the newest batiked OBYoga t-shirts I got in India at work on the mat (Merle & Kim). 

Saturday – Three headstand modifications. L-R: using the headstand stool (soft block to keep feet active and from moving around), upside down through the ropes, & using a bench for sacrum support and lifted sternum (Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana in Sirsasana).

This afternoon we’re heading to Cineplex in Del Mar to watch The Martian in 3-D with Evan and Jill. Evan and I both read the book a while back and it was really good. Let’s hope for everyone’s sake I’m able to keep the coughing to a minimum :-/

Blogged using Amma’s iPhone & Macbook with LOVE!