Maya gets a haircut

Above – the place where Bruce and I met 45 years ago.

Ron stopped by yesterday to change a lightbulb too high for Bruce to handle. What we found out after it got dark … it was the wrong light. Please come back!! 

The hair cut begins with a wash. Looks like she could use a face wash too … haha!

A cut in Engine No 7. I think that’s appropriate!

The final touch – a braid.


With a pink ribbon …

Selecting the perfect toy.

Afterwards, Maya convinced us to go to the park so she could play on the monkey bars. She made it across FIVE of the bars. What a strong 3 year old!


An opportunity to capture the braid from above.

Back at the house (after having some hot chocolate) Maya and Pappa draw pictures.

Blogged on Amma’s iPhone/MacBook with LOVE!